Almost Every Fragrance Is Spicy, Degree Varies According To The Top Note



Spicy note refers to spicy woody peppery herbal anise like odor. The most important parameter of fragrance and flavor ingredients (spicy ingredients) from the sensory point of view, it’s the aroma. It is composed by the set of volatile organic compounds (VOC) that form the so called fingerprint. The characterization of the volatile fingerprint may offer information about safety and quality and could be use as an indicator resource when it varies somehow from the standard. The set of VOC could provide also information about geographical origins and cultivars.


Green chilies roasting over a hot gas flame give off a smoky, sweet, pungent perfume. Else wise with the characteristic odour of cinnamon and a very hot aromatic taste. These pungent taste and scent when compounded makes a top note spicy, but soothing, these are the best suited for trademark fragrances.

Product Name Odour
Spicy.Compounds Strong Spicy, Floral, Green, Aldehydic, Fancy.

Application Suitability

These can go from earthy-sweet, smoky, nutty, and a bit spicy to undertones of fresh, floral, herbal, green. The compounded essential oils are always heavily spicier. They possess the best masking properties for any compound depending on the application.

Our fragrances are free from alcohol, non-inflammable, non-hazardous, non-toxic and for industrial use only.

There suitability chart is as follows:

Application Suitability
Alcoholic Perfume 5
Anti-perspirants/Deo 5
Creams and Lotions 7
Lipsticks 7
Talcum Powder 6
Tablet Soap 6
Liquid Soap 8
Shampoo 9
Hair Conditioner 7
Bath/Shower Gel 8
Cold Wave 1
Acid Cleaner 6
Ammonia 4
Chlorine 1
Detergent Powder 8
Liquid Detergent 6
Fabric Softener 7
Candles 6
Pot Pourri 7
Incense Sticks 8


9 = Very Good Performance

8 = Good Performance

7 = Reasonable performance

6 = Fair performance

5 = Mediocre performance

4 = Slight stability problems

3 = Discoloration Problems

2 = Stability problems

1 = Major problems

0 = XX Not recommended for use

Please Note: Due to the fact that our fragrances are very concentrated, we suggest that you test our fragrances in finished products before you make any conclusions about our fragrances. Since our fragrances are so strong, we suggest only using 0.5 to max 4% in any finished product. Our testing notes should never take the place of your own personal testing. Always test fragrance in finished (product) applications.


Spices produce a vast and diverse assortment of organic compounds, the great majority of which do not appear to participate directly in growth and development. These substances, traditionally referred to as secondary metabolites, assume great significance. Although noted for the complexity of chemical structures and biosynthetic pathways, the volatile and non-volatile natural products are perceived generally as biologically insignificant. Secondary metabolites in spices have been a fertile area for chemical investigation for many years, driving the development of both analytical chemistry and of new synthetic reactions and methodologies. In recent years, there has been an emphasis on secondary metabolites in relation to dietary components, which may have a considerable impact on human health. The majority of herbs and spices constitute important bioactive secondary metabolites which possess versatile pharmacological and medicinal properties. The structure–activity relationship of these compounds is an exciting field, where molecular biology and nanotechnology can definitely play a symbiotic role.

Advanced extraction and quick characterization yield of numerous alkaloids based on piperine (spice) compounds. Also, the development of new formulations improves its in vivo bioavailability and explains the multiple uses of this spice aromatic constituents in the medicinal applications. 

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